Under Attack

Upon coming home from vacation, it was discover that my desk top computer was under a trojan attack.  This was my first experience with such a thing and  it was quite upsetting.  It was necessary to have the pros from Dover clear this from my desk top computer.  Fortunately my note book computer did not suffer the attack. The attack came in through my business email so New England Fiber Arts has a new email address.  [email protected]  I hadn't realized how many different passwords I had until I had to change them all!  

I received a special order for some balsam sachets and pillows prior to going on vacation.  This is the second year Mary has asked to to recycle her Christmas wreath  for her.   Upon returning, it was time to chop the branches off the Christmas tree and process them along with Mary's wreath.  It was surprising that the boughs from an entire Christmas tree ended up fitting into a large plastic tub.  Today I started stuffing the sachets and pillows.  One of the fabrics that my customer Mary chose was this lovely bird sanctuary fabric.  I recognized all of the birds except. the lower left hand one.  I will put the picture out on FB and see if anyone knows what kind of bird that is.  The 6" pillows (not shown) has a Chickadee on one said and a blue bird on the other.  I was a nice surprise as I was sewing up the pillows that the fabric ending up falling the way they did.  I still have more pillows and sachets to stuff but it is suck a beautiful day I think I will take a walk first.